Project: CinnamonBun

Small business owners and freelancers may find it difficult to keep track of all their clients.

CinnamonBun is an application that helps to record and manage a large number of clients and business transactions, thus allowing business owners to focus more on their business and less on bookkeeping.

CinnamonBun comes with a beautiful Graphical User Interface (GUI) while still being optimized for control via a Command Line Interface (CLI).

My Contributions

  • New Feature:
    • Added ability to add/remove memberships to/from clients (Pull request #69)
      • Functionality: Allow the user to add membership to a client by specifying the client and membership tier (Gold,Silver,Bronze). The membership is displayed on the UI as a different color based on the tier.
      • Justification: This function allows business owners to award their clients by giving them memberships.
  • New Feature:
    • Allowed ability to find all clients by membership (Pull request #127)
      • Functionality: Allow the user to filter clients based on their membership tier, or filter all clients with a membership.
      • Justification: This function allows business owners more easily find their members.
  • New Feature:
    • Added ability to delete filtered contacts from find function or listMembers function (Pull request #9)
      • Functionality: Allow the user to delete clients based on what they have filtered from either the find function or listMembers function.
      • Justification: This function allows business owners to more easily manage their clients by removing groups of them based on filters.
  • Enhancements to existing features:
    • Made the find function able to search for membership start dates
  • Code contributed: RepoSense link

  • Project management:
    • Assisted to create issues and assign them to various members
    • Assigned some issues to milestones
  • Documentation:
    • User Guide:
      • Added documentation for the clearFiltered feature #158
      • Added documentation for Memberships #158
        • Includes documentation for addMembership,removeMembership and listMembers
    • Developer Guide:
      • Added implementation details of ClearFiltered
      • Added manual testing instructions for Membership functionality and clearing filtered clients
      • Added implementation details of Memberships
  • Community:
    • Helped to review teammates pull requests and provide feedback